After months of considering it, you are ready to put your house on the market. If you are facing a foreclosure, looking to sell a fixer-upper home, or you just don’t want to deal with go through a realtor to sell your property, then it may be a good idea to sell your home for cash. This method is much faster and less complicated than putting your house on the market in the traditional way.
Also, with most home buying companies, you don’t have to pay any closing costs or commission – which can then end up being of benefit to you. However, there are, unfortunately, some companies who will attempt to scam or low-ball you. Thus, it’s important to pay careful attention. Otherwise, they could take advantage of you when you sell your home for cash.
In today’s post, we’ll talk about the things to look out for when selling your home for cash.
The Home Buyer Comes Up to You
When you’re not doing anything to reach out to potential home cash buyers actively, then you should be cautious about anyone who expresses interest in your property. It was one thing when a potential home cash buyer was referred to you by a friend; it’s another thing when they approach you out of the blue. Reputable and trustworthy home cash buyers don’t usually search through real estate listings to look for properties that have been on the market for a while or even those that don’t look like they are going to sell.
The Home Buyer Doesn’t Want to See Home for Sale
Whether you’re selling your home on the open market or your selling your home for cash, potential home buyers are going to want to see the property in person before finalizing an agreement. In some cases, sending photos and videos may be enough; others even do video calling. This scenario is accepted especially if you are upfront about the issues your house may have. Seeing the property before buying is the sensible thing to do. Also, home buyers would not want to pay for expensive repair or upgrade costs that they were not aware of prior to buying the property; and that they didn’t include into their payment offer. Thus, if a potential home buyer is not interested in seeing the property – whether it’s in person or even through video call, then you are right to doubt their truthfulness and if their offer is legitimate.
The Home Buyer Offers to Pay the Listing Price
When it comes to discussing real estate prices, it’s all about making an offer and negotiating. So when you sell your home for cash, expect to receive offers from potential home buyers. Unless you’ve priced your property so low that you’re being contacted left and right by buyers who want to take advantage of this great deal, then you should always expect any buyers to attempt to offer you a better deal. If they offer to pay the listing price right off the bat without trying to negotiate, then there might be something else going on that you should be wary about
The Home Buyer Only Contacts You Via Email
Scams via email are quite easy to spot. If you receive an email with poor grammar from an email address not associated with a legitimate organization with claims that sound too good to be true, then it’s most likely a scam. However, con artists nowadays are getting more and more shrewd in their scamming ways; and there are more red flags you need to watch out for. For instance, if you ever receive any contracts from them, they may not look official or valid. If they refuse to meet in person or speak on the phone, then you should be extra careful.
Sell Your Home to a Trusted Cash Buyer
There are different reasons we decide to sell our home. No matter what condition it’s in or what reason you have to sell your home for cash is, you can talk to us. We can discuss a fast and fair offer that can give you the best deal possible. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We’ll be happy to answer them.